Vand teren agricol in Santana
Vand teren agricol in Santana. Vand teren agricol in Santana,…
Prelungirea Ghencea, Sector 6, Bucharest, Romania
300€ / MP
Vand teren in Bucuresti. Vand teren in Bucuresti, Sectorul 6, Prelungirea Ghencea, teren intravilan, in suprafata de 3.750 MP, front stradal 36 ML, toate utilitatile, cu PUZ pentru cladire de birouri 2S+P+9E. Pret : 300 euro/MP
Vand teren agricol in Santana. Vand teren agricol in Santana,…
Owning a home is a keystone of wealth… both financial affluence and emotional security.
Suze Orman